Sticking with a weight loss resolution can seem almost as daunting an undertaking as moving to a new house. But it's so, so worth it!

Maybe that's because it really is like "moving into a new house," isn't it? I get it. Moving requires embracing the future and all of its gifts, and letting go of the past -- not forgetting it, but allowing it to be a part of our story that has led to where we are heading today. It's an embracing that requires new vision, new thinking, new attitudes, and new action.
World-renowned motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, "Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day." I'd like to submit that the reciprocal of his statement is also true. Success is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't succeed overnight. Instead, success is a few right choices in judgement, repeated every day. (My quote...not Jim's.)
What are those "right choices" that you are making today, and tomorrow, and the next~ in terms of your healthy weight-healthy life goals? What are those errors that would be better to leave behind, knowing that embracing your future goals of "moving into your new house" will be so worth the new thinking?
Is it getting a great workout at least 4 times per week?
(With the new Shaklee 180 Turnaround Kit and the Lean and Healthy Kit, you've got access to FREE workouts that'll you'll complete in under 20 minutes each morning...right in the comfort of your own home! I do them myself... and I LOVE them!)
Or maybe it's replacing that afternoon coffee and a cookie pick-me-up with a healthier option like a cup of green tea and some veggies, or maybe some Pomegranate Tea and some Protein-Packed Snack Crisps or Bars to keep your metabolism working at its prime!
Water. How 'bout a glass in place of that diet soda (eek-- whatever you do, don't do diet drinks!)?
(A helpful trick to calculate how much water your body needs is to take your current body weight multiplied by .5 and that's the number of ouces you need per day.)
Embrace new choices today. You'll be thanking yourself tomorrow. And the next day. And the next! Go for it! You've got this!
"If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around." ~Jim Rohn